VMWorld 2013 – Come visit our booth

If you are planning on visiting VMWorld this week in San Francisco (see map here of locations across the show campus) please make sure to take time out to visit Booth 522 and meet my colleagues from Red Hat who are in attendance.

We will be talking Red Hat Open Hybrid Cloud, demonstrating CloudForms and the latest beta 2.1 which includes support for OpenStack, our OpenShift Enterprise platforms, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualisation and Red Hat Storage.

We love attending VMWorlds in the US and Europe and will also be attending the Barcelona show in the fall. It’s always a busy booth packed with people wanting to know more about where we are at with Cloud.

More importantly this year for the first time we’re demonstating CloudForms and it’s ability to kick the ass of every other VMWare friendly virtualised environment across cloud types. It’s a game changer that has analysts and the press alike talking about how Red Hat has enabled Cloud management to become a realistic technology adoption curve for enterprises. Taking the game to VMWare and Microsoft for the first time and it’s not for nothing that customers are really excited and adopting fast.

Make time out to go visit Booth 522. Tell them I sent you.

I’ve been busy – Red Hat Summit 2013


The last ten days have seen me camped out in Boston in the US at Red Hat Summit recording, mastering and publishing fourteen podcasts during Red Hat Summit. Usually I do one a week so to get fourteen recorded and out there on iTunes, Stitcher and a dedicated smartphone app for all platforms was tiring to say the least.

So for those of you wondering why there hadn’t been a Cloud Evangelist podcast last week, go listen to the shows I made available to you on the Red Hat Official Podcast page from Summit by clicking here.

Podcasts on OpenShift, OpenStack, Gluster, RHEV, IBM PowerLinux, ARM and Hyperscale, identity management in the Cloud, SELinux (with Dan himself). We talk NetApp and oVirt with Jon Benedict once more and we have a lot of fun along the way.

Fourteen shows you can’t miss out on with over 10,000 listeners to date – go listen.

Podcast: Cloud Security Special

Todays podcast is a must for anyone in Cloud who needs to understand high level security. I’m joined over the ether to my studio in Bath in the UK by Gunnar Hellekson and David Egts. We’re talking access controls, SELinux, sVirt, hardening, security in Government and how we engage in Cloud, security and KVM, Common Criteria – the whole works.

We talk RHEV, RHEL, OpenShift, CloudForms, ManageIQ, auditing, logging, hardening, security – learn how Red Hat secure the important enterprise, Government and industry platforms – allowing our customers to sleep easy.

You cannot afford to miss this weeks show !

Gunnar is the Chief Technology Strategist in Red Hat’s US Public Sector team, trusted by government and the military alike and David is one of our Principal Architects at Red Hat. They both “live eat breathe” security so this podcast is three of us who are very passionate about the topic.

And folks theres more, if you liked this podcast tune in to the first few episodes of Dave and Gunnar’s new podcast – the appropriately named Dave and Gunnar show which you can listen to by following this link directly. I totally recommend it, great listening. I’ve been working with them over the last few months recommending kit and I really think this is a show you should be listening to on a regular basis. Gunnar and Dave have taken a totally different spin on podcasting that Rhys Oxenham and I have been planning since November to do monthly that I bought the kit to do – but we haven’t had the time to do. Since Christmas we’ve been set up to make the changes I keep mooting, and this will happen.

It’s so nice to be back in the studio able to control the level of audio again, seems like an age since I was sat at a mixing desk recording this stuff. Listening to this podcast you wouldn’t think that David was in Ohio, Gunnar in Houston, Texas and me the other side of the pond, and all recorded produced and released using Fedora – no Mac’s here folks.

Come back soon for some great podcast content and if you haven’t yet subscribed via iTunes or my RSS feed simply follow the menu bar above to get the links you need. Come back next week for some more great content.

 Download the podcast here in MP3 format only

Cloud – Intelligent Cloud Management

There have been a multitude of articles appearing in recent weeks around analyst perception of Public and Private Clouds delivering less than coherent controls around ensuring the compliance of their customers. Whilst I can agree with many of the editorial stances taken by seasoned hacks and journalists there needs to be a rethink around how enterprise CIO level thought leaders are armed to enable them to adopt Cloud technologies, whilst retaining balance and assurance around conformance and compliancy.

Governance aligned to a Cloud lifecycle model and a living breathing risk register is one thing but hopefully reading this article can help you develop another strategy and open discussions in how Red Hat can enable your aspirations around Open Hybrid Cloud.

Virtualisation and Cloud by their very nature create compliance issues and challenges never more so in remote virtual environments. Access control issues, the constant need to maintain your network with the challenges of change control and network reconfigurations. The demands of having to document and understand shared infrastuctures and to tear up and tear down virtual machines all bring with them challenges around compliancy. This article is designed to help you show a path towards better compliance and better ways to enhance Cloud onramp and adoption using Red Hat Open Hybrid Cloud.

Keeping auditors happy whilst also being able to deliver business as usual computing is a given, how you actually deliver that in an always on elastic hybrid cloud environment can therefore be a quandry that will have obvious challenges in operational IT normality married to a non-liberal but dynamic focus on Cloud service adoption. If you accept that Cloud is skirting around the traditional framework of the computing norm which in it’s hybrid form adds a new complexity with layers of public and private clouds. Add the very real demands of applications running across two heterogeneous platforms and shake. Cloud cocktail and you’ve got to manage it.

Ever changing governance landscape

Last Thursday saw the release of the long awaited HIPAA Privacy, Security, Enforcement and Breach Rules. Short, concise and just short of six hundred words that for once actually give concise guidance and define your framework (if affected by HIPAA) of how you as an entity are able to adopt services that impact on hybrid elastic adoption of services such as Cloud storage or ability to burst out your Private Cloud to a Public Cloud. Very little grey area which is what we have been crying out for from a guidance perspective for too long.

It also is a major boost for Open Hybrid Cloud for those affected by HIPAA. This article isn’t aligned solely to HIPAA and will concentrate on governance of all types affecting Cloud. However, it will let you get under the hood, and understand why working with Red Hat Open Hybrid Cloud technologies can sometimes be the differentiator in working out your next move to Cloud.

So when you’re looking to work with a HIPAA certified Cloud Platform Provider this latest release at least allows you to be better educated to make a judgement call and to have necessary contractual conversations where required. You’d hope.

A lot of the self certified providers as I pointed out will now be poring over their service level agreements and architectures with a fine tooth comb given that the latest guidance actually means that they are going to have to take apart – Lego style – the most fundamental tenents of their Clouds. For existing customers who have signed up to HIPAA compliant Cloud providers for Hybrid service consumption or upstream elasticity I have a suggestion for you and it’s a call to arms that should not be dismissed lightly.

In May Gartner published a report stating that most enterprises (45%) would be moving to a hybrid cloud adoption model by 2015. Thats a lot of businesses if you align yourself with Gartner’s research, and in the same report 50% of the businesses questioned had no formal guidance or compliance wrappers in place or defined processes as to how they would get to Cloud.

So it’s at this point we type a simple query into your favourite search engine of choice for HIPAA compliant cloud and you get a multitude of Cloud providers pop up who look to have been offering “HIPAA Compliant Clouds” for some time. On the back of last Thursday’s report you have to wonder how many legal eagles they have working for them to allow them to actually either backtrack or to redesign their services whilst not diluting their profit margins given they’re now having to re-architecture their platforms.

So why does using Open Hybrid Cloud allow you to get to governance compliance faster and more efficiently ? To understand that we need to understand that the very nature of what we do at Red Hat to enable and arm enterprise customers to get to Cloud is based on transparency and importantly flexibility built on supported Open Source technologies. In previous lives the sprinkling of the term “transparency” and “Open Source” in an article discussing governance types and critical workloads might have been seen as tricky to embrace but it’s 2013, enterprise adoption of Linux and especially supported certified Red Hat Linux has never been greater. And saying nothing isn’t an option. Understanding service, understanding Cloud service catalogues and how we deliver technology in Cloud – it’s never been more important. Integration across platforms and factor in the need for analytics and understanding how we do stuff better and on the fly. It’s a huge amount of pressure for management and we consider that we have a credible story to tell you.

Customers whether internal or external want more bang for their buck. Developers in the enterprise have long since migrated to using Open platforms for the creation of platforms and applications. Those Open platforms be they Java, Node.JS, PHP, Python, Ruby etc are the building blocks of Cloud. Fundamental shift in agile methodologies have made the ownership of platforms and applications easier in one respect. But viewed from the cheap seats you could argue that faster frameworks of growth have also placed new pressures on IT governance and the aligned related pressures that the IT director / CIO / CTO now that he has had to migrate accepted old school ways of working. Highly dynamic, intelligent elastic architectures need to be managed better and that what you have now in the marketplace which is at its best virtualisation management tools. We need to be brighter and more articulate and we need to be able to do it openly.

Apps and agility driving demand for Cloud consumable services

Our adventures with the launch of OpenShift Online and now the release of OpenShift Enterprise has given us a massive boost from a research perspective in that we are able to see at a granular grassroots perspective just how agile development in Cloud actually is. The speed at which new applications are developed and launched, what languages and cartridges are utilised in their makeup and also how behaviour is driven across the Cloud developer community. There is a culture shift going on and if you read Venturebeat, or Infoworld or some of the great thought leadership pieces coming out of Burton, Gartner or the CIOForum then you’ll already be up to speed as to how they view cloud application development as critical to the mass being given as companies see Cloud as the most critical business decision they’ll make in the next three years.

If we remember how ubiquitous VB was in every enterprise a decade ago and then you explore the culture shift away from those more entrenched environments to open technologies you see two new pressures.

1) the CIO all of a sudden has to accept that if he/she wants fast agile applications that the new world ways of working of using Ruby/Python/Java/MongoDB/NoSQL etc are here to stay. Adoption of these fast moving environments bring new release cycles and patching demands. Those are then imposed and need to be understood as part of Cloud lifecycle management as you move through application development business as usual strategies.

2) that we’ve moved away from a culture of a box of CDs arriving from Microsoft every quarter with the latest greatest version of Visual Studio or MSDN, that the average developer manages his or her own development workstation (unless you’re switched on and you’ve adopted a corporate flexibility around JBoss Developer Studio like the big guns). That the pressures of having an army of developers with their IDE of choice and their own GitHub account hasn’t yet factored into your Cloud thinking.

These two critical factors should be a driver enforcing you to ask a question. “How do I get to Cloud and manage my risk appetite aligned with our ambition and needs ?”. How do I unify this as we move away from earlier more static environments and how do I do this without slowing down my developers and encroaching on my ability to deliver Cloud ?

You first enlist the help of the most critical part of your infrastructure, not your servers or switches, not the SLA you signed with Verizon or AT&T but your largest single investment as an organisation. Your team. The body of passionate developers and architects who are the vehicle driving your ambition for your Cloud story. And if they’re developing using Open tools, relying on Open methodologies for getting their source trees and their coding efforts to deliver your companies life breath for application development. Whether your choice of hypervisor is KVM, Xen, HyperV or VMWare the raw ingredients of your Cloud remain the output of your teams harnessed efforts so listen to them and whilst paying attention start to think out the steps needed in your planning for your processes.

But beware. Your team is creative and dynamic but potentially they’re also your biggest challenge as your role as CIO changes with Cloud’s new demands. Especially in an Open Hybrid Cloud. Technology advancements, modifications and changes in development environments and platforms all need to be reflected into a management platform flexible enough to help you get to the audit mark.

So How Can Red Hat help us achieve Cloud Governance ?

With the acquisition of ManageIQ Red Hat have added to our stable a new suit of armour – a new strength. That of management, reporting, inspection, audit, utilisation and trend analysis and orchestration. These are seven specific core requirements for any CIO that wants to get to Cloud safely and securely. The ability to deploy introspection across your Cloud landscape without the need for agents, even into existing virtualised deployments gives you an immediate perspective on what you own, and how you start to analyse and grow your Cloud deployment getting the most out of your investment – whilst being able to meet governance regimes.

Learning and reporting what your Cloud is doing, having a single pane environment to understand your playground is both attractive and allows you to do proper intelligent management reporting at a granular and operational level. Hugely beneficial. Having those datastore alerts and to be able to have a ruleset to allow to you to get the information you need instantly. It’s a very valuable proposition.

It’s a great fit with RHEV where ManageIQ has already demonstrated success in interworking with its September 2012 release, and it gives added credibility to CloudForms from an IaaS perspective especially around brokering across multiple heterogenous environments and hypervisor types. Fact that both ManageIQ and CloudForms are both developed in Ruby on Rails also helps further integration even more from a codebase perspective !

The ability to now be able to have a manageable approach towards being able to enforce security and compliance policies, to have a granular yet tough approach to document and control your configuration policies. Tie that into a world class resource allocation policy engine and you have control over drift management, storage, memory and CPU consumption in a single pane easy to understand and fast reactive interface.

Open Hybrid Cloud management working with Red Hat has now never before become more attractive to the savvy CIO wanting to get to Cloud safely and securely. All of IDC, Gartner and Forrester’s uptake concerns for Cloud adoption settled in one easy to acquire technology.

How can I find out more ?

Today I am recording a podcast with John Hardy of ManageIQ that we will bring to you shortly, we’d have done it last week but the snowstorms that hit the UK de-railed us – apologies.

I’d also like to point you at yesterdays webcast recorded yesterday that is well worth watching. Bryan Che my boss, Joe Fitzgerald the co-founder of ManageIQ, Mary Johnston Turner from IDC, and Chris Russell representing a major financial services customer of ManageIQ. It’s around an hour long and you’ll need to register to view it. There IS a bug in the registration page enforcing you to select a state if you’re outside the US – apologies, just choose a state and you’ll get straight in

You can register and view the webcast here

The webcast IS important as it gives some great credible reporting on industry data from Mary Johnston Turner of IDC that highlights some real perceived issues in Cloud that we’re enabling change to solve by Red Hat’s dovetailing of ManageIQ into our offerings.

Cloud: Open Business Transformation

A lot of attention this week has been focused on comments made in an interview with Barclays Bank on how their use of Linux allowed them streamlined and focused development environments and how use of Linux and Open Source confirmed their internal strengths to get to first base quicker and faster, saving a huge amount of budget in the process.

Barclays are a thought leader, they’re a great company who understand how changing the ethos and supporting their people to deliver the platforms and technologies allows them to be one step ahead of many in the same vertical industry. It’s one reason Red Hat work with them and why we put so much effort into supporting their ambitions.

So if Barclays can harness Cloud openly and benefit by association can other businesses use it for transforming not just their architectures but also the underlying ethos that glues IT processes and practices together ? Allowing the adoption of Open Cloud to re-invent or re-imagine what they are able to achieve. Agility has always been a cornerstone of Cloud, elasticity goes beyond availability but also describes methodologies of provisioning to fit both governance and appetite. Using Open Cloud to develop hybrid methodologies to build new structures around your internal capabilities may yet be seen as the smartest move yet for shrewd CIOs facing the ever increasing needs from both internal and external facing customers.

OpenShift has given voice to Red Hat’s ability to work with forward thinking developers at every level across every business vertical. To be able to demonstrate openly with three clicks how you break through existing barriers to Cloud application deployment and management. Tie in JBoss (the underlying glue behind OpenShift) and you have an agile structured development environment world class and ready for application deployment as well as those organisations who are realising that migration from WebLogic and Websphere makes JBoss a more advantageous platform than just being a JRE stablemate.

Barclays aren’t the first, they may be one of the most vocal and supportive, but the world is waking up to the fact that if you are sensible, if you understand business process and bottom line effects on your business – you avoid vendor lock in, and you think Open.

We’ve worked very hard over the last five years to build a solution set of technologies as part of engagement at the customer level to get existing enterprise customers often drowning in older legacy less flexible legacy platforms to start thinking openly. The Red Hat Pathways engagement model is proven to work and is a great starting point when you are starting to consider how you re-imagine and re-focus your business process methodology around harnessing the best of Open Source. This is never more critical when it comes to the decision making around Cloud. The video below gives you a brief snapshot of what it is and how it can be engaged with.

Below you’ll also find two more online resources to help you think about why being Open can dramatically increase your agility and flexibility at every level of your business using Red Hat Open Hybrid Cloud.

Red Hat – Get more out of your Open Cloud

Red Hat – Enterprise PaaS

Podcast: RHEV and NoSQL re-mastered

So this has been the “quiet” week post Christmas / New Year where the tech world mostly downs tools and scatters to the ends of the earth to celebrate and spend time with friends and family. Makes podcasting a tad tricky as you can’t get hold of anyone to record with but that doesn’t put us off – oh no we had a backup plan.

This is where fortune actually coincided with the fact I’ve been really ill since just before New Year and have only just found voice to record the intro and master this recording for release so as backup plans go this was on the money.

So this weeks podcast is a re-release (and re-master) of two of the most popular podasts I recorded in 2012 with our very own RHEV God Rhys Oxenham and former Red Hatter Tim Marston talking NoSQL and 10gen. Both got a lot of downloads (about 9000 between them on the old static downloads section).

So why go back to the well and re-release ?

Since I re-launched the podcasts on LibSyn and syndicated on iTunes, Stitcher and Podfeed over 80%+ of listeners are new entirely to the podcast channel. Not existing listeners and there is a complete lack of click throughs to the older content which surprised me as I really expected it to be picked up and listened to. So it seems a real shame to not have this great older content from the autumn re-released after a clean up and re-master for a new generation of listeners. Content is still current – still authoritative so for those of you who’ve heard it remember that the podcast audience now is global and more people are finding my content from directories and RSS feeds than from this blog now. So if I’m selling out – apologies – it’s called evangelising and getting thought leadership and it’s hard work.

Come back later in the week for new podcast content and some AMAZING guests over the next five weeks that will reinforce just why CloudEvangelist is now one of the fastest growing media downloads anywhere.

Download the podcast here in MP3 format only

Podcast: Red Hat Acquire ManageIQ


I’ve been promising to record and release this quick podcast on my take on our acquisition of ManageIQ. I don’t speak for Red Hat on this nor do my views or opinions matter in any way. I look at things from a technology adoption and technology abstraction layer and how it impacts and enhances our abilities in Cloud.

If you’re not aware of ManageIQ I’m presuming you’ve had your head buried in the sand for the last three years.

Needless to say when I found out about ManageIQ becoming part of Red Hat (subject to all the usual shareholder stuf) I was beaming from ear to ear. ManageIQ are an amazing group of people who really understand the granularity of cloud, the flexibility you need to demonstrate when dealing with elastic architecture but the need to get under the hood and deliver. Quite simply they demonstrate maturity in depth and excellence of the highest order when it comes to engineering solutions across heterogeneous cloud platforms and technologies.


Combine that with a virtualisation layer(RHEV/KVM), a storage platform (Gluster – Red Hat Storage), a PaaS platform (OpenShift) and CloudForms and you are effectively delivering an entire orchestration piece that no other vendor, VMWare included, can currently compete with. Seventy two hours on to the minute I am STILL smiling.

Here’s my take on it – listen now on iTunes or Stitcher or click the link to the podcast to listen to it in your browser.

Come back in 2013 for more content – and remember I love hearing your feedback and your news. Better stories come out of collaboration. 43,000+ downloads of my podcasts since August (thats nearly 580 man days of listening if you stacked each episode end to end) is flattering but I can do better – with your help.

Happy Christmas from my family to yours. Have a peaceful festive period and thanks for listening to my work and reading my articles during 2012.

Download the podcast here in MP3 format only

Gospel of Cloud – Beware False Profits


So this week I’m really busy recording and releasing podcasts on iTunes which are replacing the directly hosted podcasts that you’ve been able to grab from here over the last four months or so. I’m also attending a few cloud things, most noticeably the EMEA OpenStack Conference at The Mermaid on Wednesday. I’m going to be taking some mobile recording gear with me and am recording a couple of podcasts with some people for release in short order.

So in preparation for this and also for some recording I’m doing today I was doing my reading this morning and making my notes, my handwriting at the best of times looks like your doctors. Except a doctor on opiates I’d guess. I’ve always found that Aspergers is a blessing in most aspects of life as a techie but in hand to eye co-ordination for note taking or any form of short hand trust me it’s an utter pain. There are often times when I look back at meeting notes and wonder who wrote my notes me or a spider who has evolved a new ability to master using a ballpen.

So today I was looking at the revenue figures and estimates alike from both the Cloud gliterrati and the analysts with their “proven finger in the wind” methodologies of telling us how much one aspect of Cloud or one particular type of Cloud technology is going to contribute towards global IT spend. Makes mental note to Google where they get their crystal balls from as I am coming up stumps what to get my wife for Christmas this year.

There’s one article you don’t see appearing from the IT journalist community,  one byline that doesn’t leave the MacBook Pro of the analyst hunched over his latest prophecy. I live in hope of one day reading it. Knowing this column does get read by journalists and others in positions of stature in the print and online media maybe this can serve as a clarion call – a call to arms if you will.

In this halcyon lucid article an analyst will pick over the realities of how the adoption of locked in building bricks of a Cloud technology platform reduces the ability of the service provider tier to make real attainable revenue. He or she will “in an almost Moses Moment” realise that the last time we were at this point in the creation of the building bricks of the internet the behemoths of the traditional computing world were trying to enforce Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange as the way to communicate. That to get to the baseline we had to sign a “licencing agreement” for every client we attached to a service. We all know where that ended up. Had the internet been entirely built on Windows rather Linux where would we be with regards to technology adoption, creativity and the services we consume and the underlying technologies that underpin them ?

Cloud as you know it, as we know it is not a virtualisation layer or a fabric architecture built around proprietary locked down standards. Cloud is Open. If you invest in proprietary locked down technologies “that also interact with open APIs and standards” what does that say about your own understanding of technology advancement or the direction you want your company or platforms to take ?. It’s akin “to playing catch up”. What does that say about your companies position as a thought leader or being able to get the best out of your platforms ? Not a lot in the bigger scheme of things.

I am therefore waiting for the lightning bolt of reality to strike when the analyst brave enough to stand up from the masses with hand outstretched to the heavens having clicked that Cloud is actually built of the “Lego” building blocks developed in the Open, developed and fostered by the Community, polished and honed in a supported manner by specialist organisations but evolved by everyone – including you – who provide contributions, commits, documentation and importantly credibility.

A polite note to analysts. Shrink wrapped software providers make gross revenue profit from shrink wrapped boxes that do one thing. They shrink wrap in the secrets and they form the brick walls that prevent longterm growth. Thats the case whether you’re talking the secret recipe for a southern fried chicken fast food brand or a specific type of cola in a red can. Whilst being proprietary never did their sales much harm they were joined in their respective markets by other players who provided alternatives. However that is where this analogy ends.

Here’s the magic bit.

In days of old innovation was secured by intellectual property and shrink wrap, EULAs and the need to maintain world order. Cloud came out of the Open Source innovation model, if we examine the components of Cloud it’s actually built around the Open Source model.

The proprietary vendors whose revenue estimates or guesstimates make up the wild and crazy predictive revenue figures really do nothing for the credibility of Cloud. Are they supposed to increase our ability to want to spend or to feel braver to go to our CFO cap outstretched to make a budgetary demand for “Cloud” ? Personally they reinforce a realisation that all the time analysts are doing their whole predictive piece that the worker ants and the movers and shakers in technology are actually doing the important stuff. We are busy evolving standards openly, we are pushing the latest builds of Puppet or Boxgrinder, the latest OpenStack build, the latest OpenShift update, busy designing and releasing more mature ways of doing interoperability with CloudForms or looking at how we secure our very Cloud experience with SELinux.

Analysts whilst the Open Source community can’t write cheques to pay for your conferences and justify your expenses you need to realise that the actual difference between that world of old, of proprietary being the primary world order awaiting the catch up of those copying in their wake – it’s over.

The Cloud world order is the primary piece in the technological food chain and it’s actually the proprietary vendors  who are playing continual catchup whilst hoping customers won’t mind paying the technology adoption costs of being consumers of stuff that will forever be following the trail, not blazing it.

False prophets ? False profits – I’ll let you decide on that one, I’m just the evangelist.

Podcast: Bill Bauman – the RHEV God

Folks we have a real treat for you today, a podcast from Bill Bauman. The guy is about as good as it gets when you want to talk about virtualisation. A righteous dude and a very good friend. Apologies for the photo above, Bill is on my right, whilst I look like someone pumped me up. I’m offering the excuse of jetlag, good Scotch and bad camera angle.

Recorded in Barcelona on IBM’s stand talking about RHEV and IBM Flex systems if you’ve an interest in virtualisation topology, io architecture planning and the future of proper virtual platform computing you need to listen to this.

You’ll also need the slidedeck to accompany the podcast which you can grab here in PDF format.

Download the podcast here in MP3 and OGG formats